Friday, July 11, 2008

Use the new Flex 3 components like AdvancedDatagrid


I just recently (yesterday) needed to test a advanced datagrid. I have just tested it as a regular datagrid for the moment. I have not been able to release a fix for this, so I write about it here instead, since I am going on a holiday now for the next 2 weeks.

To be able to utilize the advanceddatagrid you need to include a new file to the Flex project automation_dmv.swc. But with this file included the FunFX version out fails. But with a quick fix this will not be a problem.

Ilkka Kudjoi have made a fix, which is located His fix makes FunFX only care about automationchildren. I used to only care for automationchildren, but changed it for a while back, but do not remember that for the moment.

So try it if you would like. But will release a new version i agust.

Have good summer!